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5 Radiant Remedies to Brighten Your Day

5 Radiant Remedies to Brighten Your Day

When your day is not going well, how often do you try to stop the negativity it in its tracks and do something to brighten your day?

Life, especially for us, juggling work, travel, and personal interests, can be more exhausting some days than rewarding; and make looking on the bright side seem impossible. But don’t worry...there are simple steps you can take to boost your mood and energy throughout the day. From practicing gratitude to enjoying the outdoors, these small actions can make a big difference.

Here are some ideas to help you embrace positivity and well-being in your daily routine.

1. Boost the Body and Brain When You Can

Yes, we know you’re busy—balancing work, travel, and personal time, while still finding moments to enjoy life together. Some days, it’s a struggle just to get out of bed. We all want to be on top of our game, and you might have tried everything to stay sharp and energized. So, why not explore a new approach? A little boost can make a big difference, especially when you’re constantly on the move.

But how can you keep your brain and body fired up throughout the day without the dreaded crash? Caffeine might give you a quick jolt, but it often leaves you feeling drained afterward. Sugar? That’s a recipe for a midday slump. Instead, consider supplements designed to optimize how your body metabolizes food and oxygen. Key players like vitamin B, folate, and energy-enhancing nootropic stacks can provide steady stimulation, keeping you vibrant and focused whether you're navigating a new city, working remotely, or enjoying a day off.

2. Take Time to Appreciate What You Have

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of just how far you’ve come. We often focus on what’s next, forgetting to appreciate the journey and the milestones we've already reached. But taking a moment to reflect on the good things in your life can be incredibly grounding. Start a gratitude journal, or simply take a few minutes each day, perhaps while sipping your herbal tea, to acknowledge your achievements and the positive aspects of your life.

Whether it’s the support of loved ones, the freedom to travel and explore, or even the small victories of the day, recognizing these blessings can fill you with a sense of contentment and rejuvenate your spirit. Embracing gratitude not only lifts your mood but also shifts your perspective, helping you to see your life through a lens of positivity and appreciation.

3. Brighten Your Day with Self-Care

Being grateful for what you have is a well-known part of self-care and wellness, but there’s much more to the practice than that. Self-care is vital for physical and mental health, especially when you're constantly on the go. Surprisingly, only about one-third of people in the U.S. practice self-care regularly, which can lead to energy problems, anxiety, depression, and even memory lapses. Healthy eating, personal hygiene and social connections are part of it.

A man applies under-eye patches while holding a bowl, and another man in the background is DJing. This scene of self-care and hobbies at home can brighten your day with its relaxed vibe.

Just our standard self-care Sunday

Taking care of yourself is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity, especially when you’re balancing the demands of a busy life and travel. To be there for others, you need to first be there for yourself. This means finding what makes you feel nurtured and fulfilled, and making it a priority. Maybe it's as simple as watching a movie that makes you laugh or immersing yourself in a good book. Listening to your favorite playlists can also be a great way to unwind and boost your mood. (By the way, here’s a link to my Spotify Playlists if you’re looking for some musical inspiration.)

Indulging in a little pampering can work wonders too. Draw a bath with those mineral salts you’ve been saving, let the stress melt away, and allow yourself to simply relax. Or perhaps, treat yourself to a hot spring or spa session—remember, it doesn’t have to be expensive. Sometimes, even just doing nothing for a while can be the best form of self-care. Stepping out of your daily routine, even briefly, can help you reset and recharge.

Two men enjoy drinks while relaxing in a hot spring with mountains in the background. Their smiles and the beautiful setting are perfect to brighten your day.

A little hot spring session only makes life better!

4. Get Your Green On

It can sometimes feel like we’re stuck inside all the time, especially when work or travel keeps us busy. But the world outside is waiting to be explored! When you feel a little cooped up, remember that stepping outdoors can do wonders for your well-being. No matter the weather—rain or shine—taking just 30 minutes to stretch your legs and immerse yourself in nature can have a profound impact on your mood and health.

Being among greenery, whether it’s trees, bushes, or even a local park, promotes a sense of calm and well-being. The sights and sounds of nature, like flowing rivers or chirping birds, can help you feel more grounded and present. Plus, getting outside allows you to soak up the sun's UV rays, boosting your vitamin D levels, which is crucial for your overall health.

If you have a pet, or your neighbors have one, taking them for a walk is a perfect excuse to get outside regularly. Pets are great motivators and make the experience even more enjoyable. But even if you don’t have a furry friend, there are plenty of activities that can push you to explore the outdoors. Photography, for instance, is a wonderful way to appreciate the surrounding beauty, capturing moments that might otherwise go unnoticed. Or, if you’re into something more interactive, why not try a game like Pokémon Go? It gets you moving and adds a fun, adventurous element to your walks.

Two men smile as they sit outside with a black dog on a sunny day, surrounded by a garden and adobe-style building. This joyful moment with pets and nature is sure to brighten your day.

We do a lot of house sitting for cats and dogs and just having pets around brings out the smiles.

For those who enjoy physical activity, running or biking is another excellent way to get your green on. It not only improves your fitness but also allows you to experience different outdoor environments, from cityscapes to nature trails. Whatever you choose, the key is to make a habit of getting outside and reconnecting with nature. It’s a simple, effective way to refresh your mind, boost your mood, and enhance your overall well-being.

A man in a colorful tank top rides a Lime e-bike on an empty street lined with trees, smiling back at the camera. The bright and open setting, along with his cheerful expression, can brighten your day.

5. Make Time for What You Love

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy—and we all know how that story ends! It’s crucial to carve out time for activities that bring you joy and let you unwind from the pressures of daily life. Hobbies can help you make good use of your spare time; they’re a vital part of maintaining a healthy, balanced life. Whether it’s designing something, playing video games, or something entirely different, the key is to find something that you genuinely enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine.

Hobbies can be a great way to connect with others who share similar interests, offering a sense of community and belonging. They can also provide a much-needed mental break, allowing you to recharge and return to your responsibilities with a fresh perspective. Personally, I find learning new languages to be an incredibly rewarding hobby. Not only does it keep my mind active, but it also enhances my travel experiences by allowing me to connect with different cultures on a deeper level.

Engaging in hobbies can also foster creativity and reduce stress. Whether you’re exploring new recipes in the kitchen, getting lost in a good book, or immersing yourself in the world of photography, these activities can bring a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that’s hard to find elsewhere. Just remember, the goal is to enjoy yourself, so it’s important to avoid getting too caught up in perfectionism or letting a hobby turn into an obsession.

Ultimately, making time for what you love is about prioritizing your well-being. It’s a reminder that life is meant to be enjoyed, not just endured. So go ahead, indulge in your passions, explore new interests, and make space in your life for the activities that make you smile. You deserve it!


Incorporating small, mindful practices into your daily routine can make a world of difference in how you feel and function. From boosting your brain and body with the right nutrients to taking time for self-care and hobbies, these steps are key to maintaining your well-being. Remember, you’re not just here to work and accumulate things—you’re here to live fully and enjoy the journey. Embrace these moments of self-care and watch how they brighten your days and enrich your life.